This policy sets out how the council formalises arrangements for partnership working.
The policy is overseen by Full Council and was last updated in October 2016.
1.1 The definition of a partnership is:
The Town Council and partner(s) working together to produce a deliverable where both parties are involved in the decision making process.
1.2 The Town Council considers the key to a successful partnership as communication between parties.
1.3 Where the Town Council commits funds, however sourced, to a partnership it must ensure that these are spent in an open and transparent manner.
1.4 The Town Council may be required to undertake a risk assessment for any new partnership arrangements.
Partnership Agreements
2.1 All partnership arrangements will have a formal partnership agreement in place based upon the principles under this policy. This shall be in line with a prescribed format developed by the Town Clerk.
2.2 Partnership agreements shall designate a lead partner
2.3 The lead partner shall provide a project evaluation
2.4 Partnership agreements shall give the Council the right to:
- Request any information deemed relevant by the Council regarding the project in order to make an informed decision, in particular in relation to:
- Funding and allocation of funds requested
- Background information related to project providers e.g:
- who are the individuals or bodies applying for partnership funding.
- details of interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) of the individuals/bodies providing services and professional input to the project.
- Request original receipts for expenditure
- See a time and cost breakdown for management/professional fees
- See income/expenditure accounts for the project
2.5 Personnel within a partner organisation should uphold the Nolan Principles and act within the code of conduct applicable to councillors in all partnership activities.
2.6 Partnership agreements shall set out the responsibilities of each partner.
2.7 Partnership agreements shall set out the limit of liability for the Town Council.
Partnership Evaluation
3.1 The lead partner shall provide a project evaluation in the prescribed form
3.2 The evaluation required under 3.1 shall be provided within 14 days of the end of the project, subject to exigencies. The Town Council must be notified of such exigencies in advance.
3.3 The responsible Town Council committee should review the effectiveness of the partnership either at the end or at least annually for long-term partnerships
Partnership Finances
4.1 The breach of a partnership agreement shall entitle the Town Council to the return of any funds provided.
4.2 The Town Council shall be entitled to a refund of funds contributed if they are not spent in accordance with the partnership agreement.
4.3 Any agreement which would result in a payment to a partner in excess of £1,000 shall be referred to the Finance Committee.
4.4 A partnership agreement shall set out what any council provided funds should be spent on.
4.5 A partnership agreement shall set out what happens to any left over funding or surplus derived from a partnership activity.