The aim of this policy is to establish broad objectives and ensure that the council is continually striving to reduce its impact on the environment and tackle climate change whilst delivering services for the community

The policy was last updated in July 2020.



1.1 The Town Council is committed to the creation of a sustainable community but recognises that some of its activities will have a negative impact on the environment.

1.2 The aim of this policy is to establish broad objectives and ensure that the council is continually striving to reduce its impact on the environment and tackle climate change whilst delivering services for the community.

1.3 The council has adopted a Nature Action Plan which sets out a number of specific actions the council will take to improve habitats and biodiversity in Knutsford.

1.4 This policy applies across all council operations and there shall be a requirement for the environmental impact of proposed actions to be assessed.


Annual Audit and Review


2.1 The Town Clerk shall ensure that an annual environmental audit of the council’s operations is undertaken and reported to the Environment Committee.

2.2 The audit will help determine how the council will meet its environmental objectives and shall:

  • measure the council’s activity against the broad objectives detailed in this policy
  • review progress since the previous report
  • identify areas for improvement over the next 12 months

2.3 Once received by the Environment Committee it shall be published on the council’s website and each committee shall receive a report on the areas from the audit under its remit at its next ordinary meeting.

2.4 The Environment Committee shall review the implementation of action plans addressing the areas for improvement throughout the year.

2.5 The audit should not be seen as a standalone process and officers are encouraged and supported to identify and implement additional measures throughout the year to further reduce the council’s impact on the Environment.


General Environmental Policy Statements


3.1 The council will seek to ensure electricity contracts maximise the use of green energy in place of fossil fuels.

3.2 The council will act as a voice for the local environment and take up concerns with agencies carrying the statutory powers to tackle problems.

3.3 The council will not permit the release of balloons or sky lanterns as part of its activities or on land it controls.


Environmental Objectives


These objectives set out what the council will do to minimise its impact on the environment.


Energy and Water Management

4.1 Minimise electricity consumption

4.2 Maximise the efficiency of heating systems

4.3 Minimise freshwater usage and maximise the use of water butts

4.4 Minimise all forms of pollution


Recycling and Resources

4.5 Minimise the use of single use plastics

4.6 Ensure recyclable materials are recycled

4.7 Use recycled paper products where feasible

4.8 Minimise printing and the generation of wastepaper

4.9 Compost organic waste


Biodiversity and Green Spaces

4.10 Protect and enhance the quality of Knutsford’s natural environment and open spaces

4.11 Support the conservation of trees, hedgerows, ponds and streams

4.12 Manage green spaces to promote and protect biodiversity

4.13 Minimise the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides

4.14 Ensure its planning schemes are predominantly pollinator friendly perennial flowers


Fossil Fuels

4.15 Minimise use of fossil fuels at events

4.16 Minimise unnecessary car journeys on council business

4.17 Promote and support the use of public transport, cycling and walking

4.18 Procure electric tools/vehicles for grounds maintenance where it is viable to do so


Sustainable Procurement

4.19 Procure goods and services locally where requirements for value and quality are met

4.20 Procure FSC certified timber


Awareness, Lobbying and Partnerships

4.21 Encourage partner organisations to meet these environmental objectives

4.22 Promote the awareness of environmental issues within the community

4.23 Support and initiate projects which contribute towards meeting these environmental objectives across the wider community