Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks with staff and children from Poppies Nursery

Developments fund upgrade to Ladies Mile Footpath

A footpath upgraded by Knutsford Town Council has been given the thumbs up from the staff and children at Poppies Day Nursery.

Until recently, the footpath along Ladies Mile ended in a muddy stretch before it reached the pavement on Tabley Road and in winter months this was particularly wet and muddy. Thanks to the work of Knutsford Town Council, it is now a compacted limestone path providing a solid surface for walkers and cyclists including the children from Poppies Day Nursery who use the path regularly.

This upgrade project was the first to be delivered using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds and approved by the council’s CIL Projects advisory committee through which volunteer residents help make decisions on spending local funds raised from development.

One parent of children who attend Poppies Day Nursery said “Before the path, on rainy days, the journey was so boggy with tree roots a pram wouldn’t go through so parents needed to walk on the road itself, with cars passing by. Now my toddlers are safely zooming along the new path on bikes and stopping to chat to their friends on the way. It’s really improved the way we get to nursery – from a safety point of view and socially.”

The need to improve this path was raised in the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan process. The works were promoted by the Town Council’s Environment and Transport Committee and completed with permission of landowners, the Tatton Estate.

CIL funds are a form of development tax raised on most major residential extensions and new builds. 25% of the funds raised from CIL in Knutsford are passed to the Town Council to fund local projects whilst the balance is held by Cheshire East Council to fund borough-wide infrastructure. So far, CIL has been raised on a number of small developments and the Town Council currently holds a CIL reserve of just over £23k. The two current major development sites (Northwich Road and Parkgate Lane) were not subject to CIL due to being given outline approval before it was introduced in 2019, however future major schemes would generate significant CIL for long-lasting community projects. 

CIL presents an opportunity to deliver a range of long-lasting projects and the Town Council’s CIL Framework sets out how it will use its share of CIL to benefit the community. This includes opportunity for community organisations to apply for future CIL funds to support investment in community facilities. More information about the Town Council’s use of CIL can be found at:

Cllrs Peter Coan, April Johnson and James McCulloch behind a gate

Evidence sought for right of way claim

Users of an obstructed footpath are being asked to complete a user evidence form to support an application for a public right of way.

The path from King Street to Church Hill has been open for over 140 years and is shown on Victorian OS maps of Knutsford. Whilst the path has been freely accessed, it is not a recorded public right of way and the land has no recorded owner. It is one of a number of historic cut throughs that survives from the mediaeval burgage plot layout of the town. 

Gates were installed at both ends of the path earlier this year, leading to frustration from some users. Whilst the gates are left unlocked during the day, their installation creates a challenge point in public footpath law, meaning a right of way claim needs to be established or the right to use the path could be lost.

The path, which is nestled between Evuna and the adjacent building, leads from King Street up to Church Hill next to Egerton Place and users who have contacted the Town Council already cited using it to avoid the steepness of Church Hill.

The Town Council is now collating user evidence to support an application to register the path as a public right of way. To be viable, the Town Council needs to evidence at least 20 years of uninterrupted use, through to the installation of the gates in 2024 i.e. from 2004 or earlier.

Those who have used the path since 2004 or earlier are being asked to contact the Town Council on 01565 653 929 or to request a user evidence form. If sufficient evidence can be obtained, the Town Council will submit the application to register the path to Cheshire East Council.