Following the adoption of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan in 2019, the Town Council set out to meet its commitment to work with Cheshire East Council to review all the Town’s Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans. The aim is to ensure that all are up to date, are reflective of the existing built environment, and are relevant in the continued protection and enhancement of these heritage assets.
A consultant at Donald Insall Associates was appointed to undertake the conservation area reviews and engagement meetings. The consultant is currently working on the Town Centre & Cross Town Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.
In order to understand the views of people living locally the consultant will be holding drop in sessions for you to share your views and learn more about the project. This drop-in session will be held on Wednesday 5th July from midday until early evening. The drop-in sessions at 12noon – 1:30pm, 3pm – 4:30pm and 5:30pm -6:30pm will be held at 60 King Street to provide a chance for residents, business owners and tenants, property owners and landlords, and anybody else interested in the special nature of the town centre, a chance to ask our consultant questions, see some of the consultant’s findings and research, and provide views on how best to protect and manage the Town Centre Conservation Area.
If you have any further questions about this consultation session, please contact the Planning and Facilities Officer, Bob Allen on 01565 653929