Councillors McCulloch, Dalzell, Gardiner, Gray, Lowe, and Robertson.
In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Houghton (personal business) and Morris (personal business).
Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in application 21/4747M on the grounds of being a Cheshire East Councillor.
A member of public spoke in relation to application 21/5803M and 21/5804M stating the policies dictate the impact of the proposal on surrounding properties should be considered. The restoration works are welcomed and do in fact conform to Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies HE2 and HE4. The resident did ask the committee to carefully consider the extension elements of the proposal for harm, such as the detrimental impact to the character of the existing building, the brick block which creates openings via the loss of existing windows, and the relationship of the outside space to the neighbouring Lost and Found premises which is also a listed building.
A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to application
20/5108M stating disappointed over the approval decision within the Green Belt, application 21/2807M stating the extension has been refused, and the unapproved advertisement hoardings located on Toft Road near Croft Lane were identified by Cheshire East Enforcement for removal but there has been another hoarding added and can these issues be added the Planning Issues log.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/5414M | Sandfield House, Toft Road | Single storey rear infill extension, with internal refurbishment | The council raises no objections subject to the conservation officer being satisfied with the methodology and materials employed.
21/5415M | Sandfield House, Toft Road | Listed building consent for single storey rear infill extension, with internal refurbishment. | The council raises no objections subject to the conservation officer being satisfied with the methodology and materials employed.
21/5444D | Land at Parkgate, The Grove, Parkgate Industrial Estate | Discharge of condition No 6 of existing permission 21/2369M; The erection of 1 no. unit for use Class B8 purposes with ancillary offices and 8 no. units for use Class B2, B8 and E(g) (iii) purposes all with access and servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and associated works – alternative phase 2 details to those approved under full planning permission 19/5805M as amended by non material amendment approval 20/1834M | The council is unable to comment due to the technical nature of the proposal and requests a suitably qualified professional is satisfied with the methodology employed.
21/5518M | 13 Mellor Crescent | Ground floor front and rear wrap around extensions. Loft conversion and associated alterations | The council OBJECTS on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site through significant alterations, the loss of a single-story dwelling, and loss of amenity by virtue of overlooking.
The council requests that if in granting consent that the Planning Officer is fully satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
21/5658M | 1 Woodlands Drive | Front and rear porches, replacement side conservatory roof, additional velux rooflight to rear | The council raises no objections, subject neighbour comments.
21/5702M | 25 Tabley Close | Two storey side extension and half two storey/ half single storey rear extension to form additional bedroom and ground floor openplay kitchen/living space | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
Additionally, the council notes the absence of a first-floor safety barrier for the Juliet balcony.
21/5803M | Marshall House, Church Hill | Change of use of former auctioneers and valuers office/sales room to be used for flexible use purposes to allow weddings, celebratory events, conferencing, offices, bar and restaurant (sui generis) (2) Part single storey and part two storey rear and side extension (3) Internal and external alterations to listed building in association with the proposed change of use (4) Associated external works including to landscaping, garden area, car parking and servicing | While the council welcomes the application, it is felt the proposal would benefit from some alterations.
· The manner in which the extension joins or ‘breaks through’ into existing building, to ensure the protection of the archaeology of the building. · The design of the front elevation would be complimented by the addition of glazing bars found in the existing building. · The rear elevation would benefit from some architectural alterations which might create more visual interest, and whilst this is a rear elevation, it is still visible from another neighbouring street. · And cycle provisions to meet policy T2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
The council requests that if in granting consent that conditions are attached to prevent the disposal of operational waste between the hours of 10pm and 7am. |
21/5804M | Marshall House, Church Hill | Listed building consent for the above. | While the council welcomes the application, it is felt the proposal would benefit from some alterations.
· The manner in which the extension joins or ‘breaks through’ into existing building, to ensure the protection of the archaeology of the building. · The design of the front elevation would be complimented by the addition of glazing bars found in the existing building. · The rear elevation would benefit from some architectural alterations which might create more visual interest, and whilst this is a rear elevation, it is still visible from another neighbouring street. · And cycle provisions to meet policy T2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
21/5942M | 41 Boothfields | Proposed front and side extension including removal of existing link to neighbours dwelling and external material. Amendments including render to existing front elevation. | The council raises no objections subject to the planning officer being fully satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/5433T | Bamburgh House, Chelford Road | Section 211 notice:
Tree works to Holly hedge, Holly trees, Willow and Maple tree
The council is unable to comment on the application as the documentation is inaccessible. The council requests the uploaded documents be uploaded again and further time is provided to consider the application.
21/4738T | The Moor Park, Moorside/Church Walk | Section 211 notice:
Tag 274 – Fell, due to mature tree in decline by busy footpath and roadway. Replant with one standard Sycamore tree in the same position. Tag 355 – Fell, due to crown decline and failed branch by recently renovated building. Replant with one standard Beech or Hornbeam tree in the same position.
The council raises no objections subject to each felled tree being replaced by two suitable native broadleaf trees due to the declared climate emergency.
It was RESOLVED to raise no objections to the licensing application for Kampai Sushi Bar Ltd, 48 King Street, subject to the licensing hours according to similar establishments within the town centre.
The latest planning decisions were noted. It was agreed to write to the Head of Development at Cheshire East Council regarding the decision to approve the application 20/5108M.
The log was noted. It was agreed the highway encroachment issue at Lane End should be added to the Issue log.
The log was noted.
The date of the next meeting was noted as 20th December 2021 at 6pm.