These are draft minutes that have not yet been approved by the council. The minutes are subject to change and will be confirmed at the next meeting.


Councillors McCulloch, Dalzell, Gardiner, Gray, Lowe, and Robertson.

In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Houghton (personal business) and Morris (personal business).



Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in application 21/5728D on the grounds of having held a conversation with the former next-door neighbour.

Cllr Lowe declared a personal interest in application 21/6059M on the grounds of being a close acquaintance with the owners of the property.

Cllrs Robertson and Gray declared a personal interest in application 21/6125M on the grounds of being known to the applicant.



There were no members of the public that wished to speak.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
21/5728D The Owls, Legh Road Discharge of conditions 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 19 & 20 on approval 20/4396M. The council raises no objections.
21/5776D Balgownie, Chelford Road Discharge of condition 8 on approval 21/0782M.


Note: Condition 8 relates to a detailed services and foul and surface water drainage layout for the long-term retention of trees.

The council raises no comment owing to the technical nature of the application.


The council notes the application has already been decided.

21/5960M 35 Boothfields Single Storey Side Extension over existing garage, with rear dormer The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


21/5989M The Pines, 22 Leycester Road Proposed alteration and widening of the existing vehicular access to create two separate access points and driveways with entrance gates and fencing. The council OBJECTS on the grounds the application is creating an additional driveway and access which is new and separate to the existing vehicular access, and there will be significant impact to the nearby tree root protection zones.


21/6080M 24 Lilac Avenue Demolition of existing detached garage/store. Proposed ground floor single story extension to the front of the property. Proposed 2 storey extension to the side/rear of the property The council raises no objections subject neighbour comments.
21/3449M 23 Summers Way Amended plans – rear facing single storey extension The council raises no objections subject neighbour comments.


21/6059M[1] 4 Freshfields 2 Storey Side Extension The council raises no objections, subject neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being satisfied there is sufficient parking available to comply with policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.


The council notes there appears to be grounds for inappropriate design surrounding the projecting portrait window on front elevation.

21/6125M[2] 17 Woodvale Road Proposed alterations to the roof scape and addition of side pitched dormer, proposed first floor side extension The council raises no objections, subject neighbour comments and the planning officer being satisfied there is sufficient parking available to comply with policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan as the proposed garage dimensions appear to be inadequate.
21/6132M 14 Heron Close Demolition of garage. Erection of single storey side and rear extensions. Erection of rear facing dormer. Replacement of windows and application of render to new and existing walls. The council OBJECTS on the grounds the proposal fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, H3, and T4 as follows:

·         The design is not in keeping with neighbouring properties, particularly from the rear.

·         The proposed rendered finish is out of character with the area.

·         The relationship to neighbouring properties will have a detrimental impact on personal amenity space through overlooking and loss of light.

·         Not withstanding the loss of a front garden, the application fails to show adequate space for two motor vehicles.

·         And, in principle, the loss of a small single-story bungalow.


The council notes a large outbuilding in the plans and requests the officer is satisfied and that this building remains ancillary to the dwellinghouse.



2 Higher Downs Single storey rear extension and side extension at first floor with associated alterations The council raises no objections subject neighbour comments.


[1] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.

[2] Cllr Gray abstained from voting on the resolution.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
21/5670T Norwood, Bexton Lane Works to Protected Trees:

Works to trees G31 A) 1 x Oak, & B) 1 x Copper Birch.


The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/5831T Orchard House, 2 Chelford Road Section 211 notice:

Works to Cherry Tree (T5)


The council raises no objections subject to the Arboricultural Officer being satisfied.


21/5900T Woodgarth, Leycester Road Works to Protected Trees:

T68 to T87 as per attached tree schedule part 2 and plan


The council raises no objections subject to the Arboricultural Officer being satisfied and the council requests that each tree felled is replaced by two suitable native trees as a result of the declared climate emergency.



The appeal against refusal of application 21/1320M , 46 Blackhill Lane was noted.



The date of the next meeting was noted as 17th January 2022 at 6pm.