Councillors McCulloch, Banks, Dalzell, Johnson, Lowe, and Mears.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer) and Councillor Coan



Apologies were received from Cllr Gray (personal business).



No member declared an interest in any item.



A resident spoke about application 24/1957M stating this is the fifth application for this site and requested the committee object to proposal on the grounds the previous application saw the planning case officer negotiate a smaller terrace and this proposal substantially increases the terrace size and that a screen is proposed to protect residential amenity but the application includes insufficient detail for this.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28th May 2024



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


24/1690M Knutsford Fire Station, Mobberley Road Roof – replacement of patent glazing to canopy with plastisol coated profiled sheet (one bay of external canopy demolished). Removal of cladding to tank room and lowering of chimney stack. Installation of photovoltaics to accommodation block and appliance bay roofs. Installation of safety handrails to perimeter of roof. Front Elevation – Demolition of entrance canopy. Rear Elevation – Replacement of appliance bay door. Rear Elevation – Single Storey Gym Extension – Low level cavity plinth wall with aluminium powder coated doors / curtain walling (glazed / solid panels) and uPVC fasicas. General – Installation of through coloured render. Replacement of timber framed windows and doors with new aluminium framed windows and doors and uPVC fascias. Installation of external fire drill training tower to replace existing tower The council raises no objections and supports the development of the local asset.
24/1811M Land North of Parkgate Industiral Estate, Parkgate Lane Request to modify Section 106 and release the local connection criteria for the Shared Ownership units only, for properties unsold for 3 months or more. The council STRONGLY OBJECTS to the request to modify the Section 106 agreement on the grounds it is understood that only one property within the currently released batch of properties is not reserved, and that until such time that there is an abundance of properties which remain unreserved or unsold, for a significant time, the council does not agree that there are sufficient grounds to consider modify the agreement. Furthermore, the applicant may wish to consider adjustments to the prices of the properties to make them more financially appealing to those within the current catchment area.
24/1794M 127 King Street Proposed conversion from offices to form furniture store with new disabled platform lift from ground to first floor level and minor internal alterations The council OBJECTS to the proposal on the grounds our concerns mirror that of the Conservation Officer as there is insufficient detail within the application to ascertain the level of harm to the listed building.
24/1760M Woodvale Clinic, The Lodge, Toft Road Change of Use of existing dentistry practice to a dwelling The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the proposal.
24/1761M Woodvale Clinic, The Lodge, Toft Road Listed Building Consent for Change of Use of existing dentistry practice to a dwelling The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the proposal.
24/1846M 129 King Street The demolition of 1980s rear brick extension, the erection of new extension with shop frontage on old buildings footprint. Internal alterations and improvements to all floors. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments, the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the proposal, and the applicant providing a biodiversity net gain of 10%.
24/1847M 129 King Street The demolition of 1980s rear brick extension, the erection of new extension with shop frontage on old buildings footprint. Internal alterations and improvements to all floors. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments, the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the proposal, and the applicant providing a biodiversity net gain of 10%.
24/1900M 7 Victoria Street Prior approval for a single storey rear extension extending 4.69 metres beyond the rear wall, maximum height of 3.64 metres eaves height of 2.85 metres. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1939M 15 Comber Way Demolition of existing conservatory, new single storey rear extension, new roof over garage and new garden building The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1970M 10 Yewlands Drive Demolish existing UPVC porch and replace with new porch. External render to property The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1672D Spinney Lodge, Tabley Road


Discharge of conditions 1, 2, 6, 8, 9 & 10of existing permission 23/2955M; demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a single-storey replacement dwelling including the associated access arrangements and landscaping. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and request, either a condition for, or the applicant amend the position of, the to the hedge that abuts the highway to be planted well within the curtilage to allow for future growth and to avoid future obstructions of the highway/footway adjacent to the site.
24/1957M Green Bank, St Johns Road Non-Material Amendment on application 23/4097M: Retrospective permission for proposed single storey rear extension The council notes that previous approvals to protect residential amenity through obscure glazing and the negotiation of a smaller terrace may be undermined by the proposed larger terrace and lack of detail for the privacy screen and requests the Planning Officer pay strong consideration to neighbour comments.

If Cheshire East Council is minded to approve the application the council request the Planning Officer is completely satisfied that neighbouring amenity is not detrimentally affected.




It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


24/1668T The Old Vicarage, St Johns Road Section 211 notice:

Holly Group 1-3 1. Variegated Holly – Fell to ground level and treat the stump to prevent regrowth. 2. Varieagted Holly – Fell to ground level and treat the stump to prevent regrowth. 3. Holly stump – Fell to ground level. Do not treat stump due to proximity to neighbouring tree. Holly Group 4-10 4. Holly – Reduce in height by approximately 2.5 metres and prune the side limbs by 1-1.25 metres to shape. 5. Holly – Fell to ground level. 6. Holly – Fell to ground level. 7. Holly – Fell to ground level. 8. Holly – Fell to ground level. 9&10 2x Holly – Reduce the larger tree by approximately 2.5 metres and prune side limbs by approximately 1 metre and prune to shape

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1741T Foxlands, Bexton Lane Works to Protected Trees:

Tree works to poplar tree (T1) to reduce crown by 7m

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1814T 37 St Johns Road Section 211 notice:

One of our trees is growing out of control. We want to have to trimmed.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1855T Oakdene, Bexton Road Works to Protected Trees:

G1 Limes 3x lime trees to have the garden side of the lateral limbs to be reduced back between 2/3 meters. The road side to be reduced back from off the road and crown lifted to 5.2 meter. The height of the trees to be reduced down to 20 meters basically giving the tree a pollard to make the trees safer and a longer life for the tree and piece of mine for the customer but keeping the leaf coverage to keep privacy. G2 Oaks 3x oak to have a 30% thin to allow more light into the garden with out affecting the shape of the tree. Also to crown lift between 3/4 meters to balance the lower crown.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1756T Play Area, The Moor Section 211 notice:

Norway Maple – Target prune so as a cone of uninterrupted light can reach footway below. Weeping Willow – Target prune so as a cone of uninterrupted light can reach footway below. G1, Mixed Broadleaf (predominantly Lime) – Crown lift to approx 5.5m where overhanging road only + target prune approx 2m clear of building. G2, Common Lime – Crown lift to approx 5.5m where overhanging road only. G3, Mixed Broadleaf (predominantly Lime) – Crown lift to approx 5.5m where overhanging road only + target prune approx 2m clear of building (No.8 Swinton Sq).

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1915T Woodlands, Croft Lane Works to Protected Trees:

G1. Five Limes, one Sycamore & one Beech – Crown lift to 5-6m/remove epicormic growth to improve blight to woodland garden beneath canopy T2. Sycamore – Reduce heighest section of crown by approx 2m to improve light

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/1932T 23 St Johns Avenue Section 211 notice:

Plum Cherry Tree marked in Yellow as T1: Reduction by up to 1.5m to reduce and reshape. Pear Tree marked in blue as T2: Tree is infested with Ganoderma, it is also situated within a raise concreated area. Customer would like removal to ground level.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



The decisions were noted.



It was resolved to defer commenting on the appeal for 23/2681M – Land at 50 & 50A Bexton Road, Full planning application for the demolition of two homes and the development of six residential dwellings, so members could consider the revisions submitted for the application prior to the applicant lodging the appeal.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 24th June at 6pm.