Cllrs Peter Coan, April Johnson and James McCulloch behind a gate

Evidence sought for right of way claim

Users of an obstructed footpath are being asked to complete a user evidence form to support an application for a public right of way.

The path from King Street to Church Hill has been open for over 140 years and is shown on Victorian OS maps of Knutsford. Whilst the path has been freely accessed, it is not a recorded public right of way and the land has no recorded owner. It is one of a number of historic cut throughs that survives from the mediaeval burgage plot layout of the town. 

Gates were installed at both ends of the path earlier this year, leading to frustration from some users. Whilst the gates are left unlocked during the day, their installation creates a challenge point in public footpath law, meaning a right of way claim needs to be established or the right to use the path could be lost.

The path, which is nestled between Evuna and the adjacent building, leads from King Street up to Church Hill next to Egerton Place and users who have contacted the Town Council already cited using it to avoid the steepness of Church Hill.

The Town Council is now collating user evidence to support an application to register the path as a public right of way. To be viable, the Town Council needs to evidence at least 20 years of uninterrupted use, through to the installation of the gates in 2024 i.e. from 2004 or earlier.

Those who have used the path since 2004 or earlier are being asked to contact the Town Council on 01565 653 929 or to request a user evidence form. If sufficient evidence can be obtained, the Town Council will submit the application to register the path to Cheshire East Council.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks presents a cheque to Ann Wright of Just Drop In

Just Drop In awarded grant for summer wellbeing project

A summer wellbeing programme for vulnerable young women has received support through the Knutsford Town Council Community Grant Scheme.

Knutsford based charity Just Drop In was awarded £1,126 towards the project which starts this August. The innovative project aims to provide a series of weekly group sessions based on the NHS’s widely recognized “5 Ways to Wellbeing” framework. Targeting vulnerable young women aged 14-17 during the potentially challenging August school holidays, the programme offers a diverse range of activities to boost emotional resilience and mental wellbeing.

Participants will engage in a variety of enriching experiences, including:

  1. Creative Therapies Art Workshops: 2.5-hour sessions allowing young women to express themselves through art, guided by professional art therapists.
  2. Youth Mental Health Aware Qualifications: A 4-hour course providing participants with valuable knowledge and skills in mental health awareness.
  3. Wellness Walks and Picnics: 3.5-hour outdoor sessions combining gentle exercise with social interaction and healthy eating.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions: 2-hour workshops introducing participants to stress-reduction techniques they can use in daily life.
  5. Happy Place Wellbeing Day at Tatton Park: A 6-hour immersive experience in the beautiful surroundings of one of Cheshire’s most beloved parks.

Just Drop In, which has a strong track record of supporting young people in the north of Cheshire East, plans to work with up to 20 young women through this initiative.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks, who is fundraising for Just Drop In during this time as mayor, said “Supporting the mental health of our younger residents is both vitally important and, unfortunately, increasingly necessary. We’re proud to be supporting this project and hope the young women who participate greatly benefit from the scheme”

Ann Wright, Chief Officer of Just Drop In said “Our warm thanks to Knutsford Town Council for their grant and wider support to our charity as we work together to try and support local children who are finding life hard. The money will be used to fund summer activities for young women aged 14-18 to boost their health and wellbeing.”

Just Drop In will work closely with Knutsford Academy to identify and engage young women who could benefit most from the programme. They’re also partnering with The Welcome to ensure the programme reaches those in greatest need.

If anyone is interested in taking part in the weekly sessions they can contact Just Drop In on

The Town Council’s Community Grant Scheme provides grants of up to £1,500 to support community projects and activities within Knutsford. Funding priorities include providing services/opportunities for young people or older people, providing new or improved assets or services for the community and enhancing the profile or reputation of the Town.  The next deadline for applications is 31st August.

Cllrs Peter Coan, James McCulloch and April Johnson at Gaskell Avenue

Councillors speak out against Gaskell Avenue Closure

Knutsford Town Councillors have spoken out against the impending closure of the Gaskell Avenue arm at the Canute Place roundabout, insisting that local knowledge has been overlooked by highway engineers.  

Planning permission granted to Crown Estate in 2019 required junction improvement works be undertaken prior to occupation of the 100th house at the Tabley Park development. The application included a scheme for the works based on a transport assessment which identified that without intervention, the development would lead to congestion on King Edward Road and Northwich Road.

For over two years, the Town Council has been calling on Cheshire East Council and developers Redrow to abandon the proposals to close the Gaskell Avenue arm, arguing it is a key route for school buses and local traffic. Whilst the Town Council recognises the need for realignment of the roundabout to improve traffic flow, it does not believe the need to close Gaskell Avenue has been justified nor the consequences for minor roads properly considered in the proposals.

Cllr Peter Coan, who also sits on the Cheshire East Council Highways and Transport Committee said “This is a ridiculous proposal and will cause massive inconvenience to both pedestrians and motorists alike. On street parking for residents will be removed and school coaches may well use residential streets as short cuts to avoid the gridlock. Knutsford Town Councillors with a wealth of local knowledge have long objected to this proposal”

Under the works, which are due to start at the end of July, the roundabout will be realigned and the Zebra crossing on King Edward Road replaced with traffic lights, another aspect of the scheme the Town Council has challenged. The plans also involve removing parking from Stanley Road to enable the section from Gaskell Avenue to become two-way for coaches to access the Academy.

Cllr Gus Watson, who lives on Cranford Avenue, said “Our roads are congested enough, without the illogical and inconsiderate closure to Gaskell Avenue”

The works have been commissioned by Redrow through a s278 agreement with Cheshire East Council which requires Redrow to complete the works at their cost.

Cllr Christopher Gray has criticised the lack of a clear justification for the proposals, “Cheshire East has not provided any definitive technical evidence to justify the closure nor do they appear to have taken into account the resulting necessity for large vehicles including refuse lorries having to turn round in deficient turning head in a location where pedestrians are numerous.”

Cllr Rex Mears added “We are asking Cheshire East Council and Redrow to stop the closure of Gaskell Avenue which is scheduled for two weeks’ time. This closure has not been justified and it is not supported by residents and workers of Knutsford. It is a useful route for local people when the A50 is busy and provides relief from congestion”

Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks also expressed concern stating “The junction of Stanley Road and Northwich Road will cause undue burden on traffic flow, especially as there is poor visibility turning out into Northwich Road. I’m concerned that school children crossing the roads in the area will have extra dangers to look out for too.”

Cllr April Johnson added “It’s not acceptable for Cheshire East Council to inflict this closure on us without proper consideration. If a road can be closed without justification that sets a dangerous precedent; Local knowledge is key to closures having minimum impact on our town and our views have not been taken into account”

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks holds a giant postcard

Competition to draw a perfect park

Children at Knutsford’s primary schools have been set a challenge by Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks to draw a picture of their perfect park as part of the Town Council’s green spaces consultation.

Postcards went out in book bags this week with children having until 21st June to submit their entries to the Council Offices or their school. The competition will be judged by the Mayor and Mayoress with one pupil from each school winning a prize of art supplies.

The entries will help identify what is most important to children when using public open spaces and will help inform the council’s new Green Spaces Strategy.

The competition aims to promote the council’s Green Spaces Survey, launched last week, to parents and encourage more Knutsford residents to share their views of what is important when it comes to Knutsford’s parks, woodlands and green spaces. Completing the main survey enters residents into a draw to win £100 of Knutsford Vouchers and the survey can be completed online at and paper copies can be found at The Welcome and Knutsford Library.

Cllr Colin Banks said “Our drawing competition is a fun way of getting the views of our younger Knutsfordians. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they draw and later on hearing what the parents say through our survey!”

If your child didn’t get a postcard in their bookbag, you can collect one from the Council Offices.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin banks points to the Mayoress medallion on the exhibition panel

Exhibition records 50 years of council history

A new exhibition has opened at Knutsford Heritage Centre to mark the 50th anniversary of the town council.

Knutsford Town Council was created in 1974 through local government reorganisation which dissolved the Knutsford Urban District Council and created a new parish (town) council for Knutsford alongside a new Macclesfield District (Borough) Council. This was part of reform across the whole of the country.

The exhibition takes a decade-by-decade look at the work of Knutsford Town Council showing things that have changed and things that haven’t. The exhibition was put together by Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green who scoured the minutes of the council from 1974 to paint a picture of the council’s activity.

“It was fascinating to delve deeper into the work of the town council over the last fifty years as recounted through the minutes of meetings” Adam said.

“There has been a recurring theme of frustration at things outside local control, poor service standards from the borough/county council and a number of problems that haven’t been properly resolved for the town – such as debates over pedestrianisation and parking.”

The exhibition aims to highlight the role of the council in supporting the town over the last five decades and showing how the council changed.

“The central theme that is shown in the timeline we’ve created is that the council has consistently looked to address the local issues of the day, has been closely involved in planning matters and has had a long chain of councillors who have worked to make Knutsford a better place for all.” Adam added.

The exhibition includes a complete list of the 114 town councillors who have served over the last fifty years – compiled for the first time – and features a number of photographs across the decade themed boards. The exhibition also displays a small number of mementoes from the council’s history.

Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks visited the Heritage Centre to view the exhibition and said “We know not everyone will get excited about a council turning 50, but this exhibition aims to highlight the council’s role in serving the town. It’s an opportunity to recognise the importance of having a strong voice representing Knutsford and working for its constant betterment.”

The exhibition is available to view at Knutsford Heritage Centre until August. The Heritage Centre is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11am to 4pm.

Cllrs Su Russel and Gus Watson sat on swings, with Cllr James McCulloch stood behind holding them

Win £100 by sharing your views on green space

Knutsford residents could win £100 to spend in the town centre by sharing their views on the town’s parks and open spaces in a survey that launches today.

The survey, which has been created by Knutsford Town Council, asks residents a series of questions about how they use green spaces and what improvements or changes (if any) are needed to encourage use.

The data will feed into a Green Spaces Strategy which will help guide and secure investment in public open space across the town. The aim of the strategy will be to ensure Knutsford has a diverse network of open spaces to support the needs of all the community and the evidence gathered from the survey can be used to support applications for external funding.

Launching the survey, Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks said “Whether its walking your dog, picnics or play we are keen to better understand how residents use their green spaces and what changes could be made to make them better”

“We are keen to hear from as many residents as possible so as an added incentive you could win £100 of Knutsford Vouchers – that could be a great meal at Evuna, some jewellery from Clarity or PR Jones or essentials at Woods Butchers.”

The survey includes optional sections on facilities for young people, the community orchard, heath and Moor. The survey is open for six weeks and closes on Friday 12th July. It can be completed online at Paper surveys are also available at The Welcome and Knutsford Library.

Flower Planters on a Roadside Barriers

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return


Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27
The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

1. Date of announcement Wednesday 29 May 2024

2. Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd.  The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed auditor, it is subject to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended 31 March 2024, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to:

Adam Keppel-Green, Town Clerk
Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, WA16 6TA / 01565 653 929

commencing on Monday 3 June 2024
and ending on Friday 12 July 2024

3. Local government electors and their representatives also have:

  • The opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and
  • The right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority.

The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only.

4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015.  The appointed auditor is:

PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team)
1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London,  E14 4HD

5. This announcement is made by Adam Keppel-Green, Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer      

You can view the unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return here.

The top of a statue of a saluting soldier

Memorial Service to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

Knutsford will join towns and villages across the UK and commonwealth as it commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday 6th June.

D-Day was the large-scale invasion of Normandy, France by Allied forces during World War II on 6th June 1944. It was a pivotal moment in the war; after years of planning, troops stormed the heavily fortified beaches beginning the liberation of German-occupied Western Europe. The success of D-Day paved the way for the eventual Allied victory in Europe and the end of World War II the following year.

A memorial service will commence at 8:45pm at the Centennial War Memorial with a beacon being lit at 9:45pm. The service will be led by the Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks and his chaplain Rev Paul Deakin, all are welcome.

Town Ranger with Bug Hotel in Wallwood

Search is on for a Town Ranger Apprentice

The search is on for an apprentice to work alongside Knutsford’s Town Ranger.

The Town Ranger Apprenticeship is being offered by Knutsford Town Council and will see the apprentice completing a Level 2 Horticultural Operative apprenticeship with Reaseheath College in Nantwich.  Applications for the role opened today (23rd May) and close on Friday 14th June.

An apprenticeship offers the opportunity to ‘earn while you learn’. Apprentices spend 20% of the working week completing a formal qualification alongside learning on the job.

The Town Ranger Apprenticeship will help set the apprentice up for a career working outdoors in landscaping or grounds maintenance. The apprenticeship is initially for two years and in the first year the apprentice will earn £6.90 per hour.

The role will support the Town Ranger (and Cemetery Groundskeeper too) across a broad range of duties, from cutting grass and maintaining hedges, planting flowerbeds and maintaining barrier planters and keeping Knutsford clean and tidy with responsive maintenance.

Town Ranger Bob Garner has been with the council since 2018 and is looking forward to supporting the new apprentice.  “KTC offers so much variety and opportunity… plus you get to work with me” Bob said.

“It’s like community pay back but without wearing a tag, an opportunity to give something back to the community and be proud of what you achieved.

“If I can make one person’s life happier and easier today, that’s enough for me.”

The apprenticeship has been introduced to expand the Town Ranger service so the council can tackle more of the jobs that “somebody” should do across Knutsford, such as clearing overgrown paths and sweeping leaves in autumn.  The council chose an apprenticeship to enable it to do this whilst also offering someone the opportunity to build a career and develop a formal qualification and new skills.

The council is looking for someone who enjoys working outside, takes pride in their work and has a positive “can do” attitude.

An application form can be found online at

Cllr Peter Coan presents a cheque to Neil Forbes of Knutsford GROW

Cllr Coan raises £7,500 for mayoral charities 

As his term of office came to an end at last week’s Mayor Making ceremony, outgoing Town Mayor Cllr Peter Coan announced the success of his fundraising efforts, raising £7,500 to be split between two good causes.

Cllr Coan had been raising funds for Knutsford GROW and the establishment of a Knutsford Men in Shed’s initiative and hosted series of fundraising events including a Summer BBQ, a beer tasting at Dexter & Jones, Dine with the Mayor at Linden Stores and guests discovered a Winter Wonderland at Tatton Park in November.

In December the Town Mayor ran a charity raffle stall at Knutsford Christmas Market with two lucky winners walking away with hampers that were kindly donated by the market traders at the Christmas market.

The mayor’s annual quiz night at The Angel was a roaring success, with many laughs and lots of money raised! Katy Collins and team walked away with the winner’s trophy.

The highlight of every Town Mayor’s year is the Mayor’s Charity Ball which, this year, was a glittering affair at Cottons Hotel and Spa.  With entertainment kindly sponsored by Mesoestetic, and drinks sponsored by Georgina Chase from Slater and Gordon. Local band “The Avenue” got everyone up on the dancefloor, whilst DJ Pete Deane entertained us with his DJ set and ice breaker games.

Prizes for the raffle and auction were generously donated by local businesses, the evening started with a bang as guests popped helium balloons, sponsored by Love the Dentist, inside which were vouchers for amazing nights out at restaurants, hotels, and the cinema.  The first prize winner of the raffle was treated to an overnight spa break at Cottons hotel & spa, whilst the silent auction included a signed Manchester United shirt, Bespoke shirt from King & Allen and a signed Everton FC shirt.

Cllr Peter Coan said “I would like to thank everyone who has supported me over the past 12 months. To each of the businesses who have sponsored or hosted my events, my fundraising efforts would not be possible without you.

I would like to personally thank everyone who has attended my events, I hope you enjoyed yourselves whilst raising much needed funds for my two charities.

I would like to congratulate Cllr Colin Banks on being elected as Knutsford’s new Town Mayor and I hope you will support him as much you have supported me throughout my term”.

Neil Forbes, trustee of Knutsford GROW “I’d like to thank Cllr. Coan and Civic Events Officer Gemma on behalf of Knutsford GROW’s Trustees, volunteers and especially our beneficiaries for the year of hard work building up to this donation.  It means a great deal to smaller charities like ‘GROW’ where every penny counts.  For example, we intend buying some extra rechargeable batteries for our equipment.  If you attended or hosted or contributed to any of the events, well done and our grateful thanks to you too”.

Rachel Meadows of UK Men’s shed association “Thank you to Peter and all those involved in supporting the progression of the Shed Movement in Knutsford for this generous donation. The UK Men’s Sheds Association believe there should be a Shed available for every person who wishes to access one and we are thrilled that Knutsford will soon have its own. The new Shed at Knutsford will be a valuable community space where people can socialise, share skills and support their mental health. We wish them every success in the future.”

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