A group of councillors sat around a table with an audience

Council sets 2025/26 budget

Knutsford Town Council has set its annual budget for the 2025/26 financial year, with a gross expenditure of £1,036,291. The precept, which is collected as part of council tax, has been set at £816,860 meaning a Band D household will pay £11.08 per month to fund the work of the Town Council, an increase of £1.09 per month on the 2024/25 amount.

The Town Council is responsible for a range of services and activity to support the local community, including:

  • Community grants and funding services like Citizens Advice
  • Community events such as the Music Festival, Pumpkin Path, Christmas Light Switch with new events Paint Knutsford and an outdoor cinema event planned for 2025
  • Maintaining local assets such as Knutsford Cemetery, Wallwood, Public Toilets, Higher Town Green and the Library Gardens
  • Delivering the Town Ranger service, including this year hiring an apprentice
  • Managing Knutsford Market Hall which is currently undergoing a refurbishment

Following funding for the first stage design of an active travel path from the Moor to Parkgate Lane, the council has allocated just under £40,000 to develop the technical design which will enable it to then seek funding for the delivery of the path.

Staffing costs have increased both due to the changes in employer national insurance contributions, which unlike Cheshire East Council the Town Council is not compensated for, and investment in a new staffing structure which will enable the council to deliver its ambitious strategic plan for the community whilst ensuring the council’s core administration is resilient.

The budget also makes provision for taking proposals for a Business Improvement District through to a referendum with local businesses, which could see an additional £2m investment managed by an independent board of traders over a five-year period to support the vitality of the town centre as a place to do business.

“Every penny in our budget is spent on Knutsford, from running events that bring the community together to undertaking small projects that make the town more special such as delivering our Nature Action Plan or celebrating our heritage” said Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks.

“With the continued reduction in service levels from Cheshire East Council we are finding it more and more necessary to take care of things locally, and our budget enables us to work to make Knutsford a better place to live, work, visit and do business”

The full council budget can be found at: www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/council/finance

Cllr April Johnson hands the key to the Market to Jim Southall of Built by Mode.

Works on Knutsford Market Hall commence

The long-awaited refurbishment of Knutsford Market Hall has started this week.

Local building contractors, Built by Mode, were handed the keys to the building on Tuesday and have swiftly commenced the strip-out of the building. The first phase of work involves stripping out the existing stall structures, ceiling and floor coverings.

The programme then involves raising the level of the floor, building new stall structures improving security and storage for traders, the installation of a new accessible toilet and a kitchenette to support the hall’s use outside market hours.

“It is exciting to be underway with the refurbishment and we are really looking forward to welcoming the traders back into the building once works are complete” said Cllr April Johnson.

This project has received £160,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the balance of costs are funded through previous market hall income and the council’s capital reserve.

Works are expected to last until the end of March with old and new traders moving back in in April. Whilst works are ongoing, the Market Butcher and Heathfield Fruit and Veg are trading from the car park, whilst Market Hall Barber Pino is working from 2nd Knutsford Scout Hut by appointment.

We will be posting regular updates on the works via social media.  

Flower Planters on a Roadside Barriers

Corporate Peer Review Report Published

A report on how Knutsford Town Council can work to improve how it delivers for the community has been published.

The report is the second stage of the Corporate Peer Challenge, a review which was initiated by the Town Council to guide its improvement. A peer challenge is an external review of how a council is performing and how it can improve as an organisation to better serve its community.

In November, the peer challenge team spent three days in Knutsford holding 24 meetings and speaking with over 75 people including council staff, councillors, local residents and community/business representatives. The team used their experience and knowledge of local government to reflect on the information presented to them by people they met, things they saw and material that they read.

The report praised the council’s effective governance and financial management and the positive civility and respect displayed in the council chamber. Peers noted that the council has a lot to celebrate and that there is a real commitment within the council, and from residents and businesses, to make the town a great place to live and visit. The report highlights that the council has a number of good examples of partnership working, is engaged with the local community and a strong staff team with good morale.

Looking to where improvement can be made, the peer team found that the council’s ambition was not matched with adequate resource to deliver and that the council has a tendency to take on projects before completing existing ones. The report highlights a lack of capacity in the Town Clerk’s role and the need to increase resilience and staffing levels.

The report also suggested that the visibility of councillors could be improved with greater support for their development to support them in their roles as leaders and in delivering effective challenge and strategic oversight of the council’s operations.

A more strategic approach to asset management is another recommendation, with peers noting the challenges around the delivery of a refurbishment of the Market Hall, the vacant 60 King Street and the need for investment at the Council Offices of which the team said “the building is impressive from the outside and this gives a false impression of it as a workspace. The internal space is in a state of disrepair and accessibility is poor”

In total 23 recommendations were made which are summarised as:

  1. Review the strategic plan priorities and duration
  2. Undertake a staffing review
  3. Enhance the resilience in respect of the Town Clerk/RFO role
  4. Continue engagement with CEC regarding services and joint working
  5. Develop an asset management strategy
  6. Support the creation of a Business Improvement District
  7. Develop a communications strategy to improve communications
  8. Develop a procurement strategy to improve procurement
  9. Commission an external health and safety review
  10. Review the council’s equal opportunities policy
  11. Undertake equality impact assessments for activity
  12. Increase the visibility of councillors
  13. Improve support for councillors to develop their roles
  14. Resolve issues with 60 King St and the Market Hall
  15. Undertake improvements to the council offices
  16. Promote election processes to see contested elections
  17. Improve the clarity of decision within committees and link more strongly to strategy
  18. Develop stronger challenge from councillors in meetings
  19. Increase councillor/officer collaboration
  20. Develop a strategic risk register
  21. Improve the robustness of business plans
  22. Invest in project management expertise
  23. Implement lessons learned exercises

“We initiated this challenge because we are committed to continual improvement and ensuring Knutsford has the best town council it can have and we’d like to thank the peer team and all those in the community who gave time to participate in the review” said Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks.

“The purpose of the review was to identify areas for improvement, so we are not disappointed by any of the findings. We will now begin working on addressing each recommendation and as a result be better placed to serve Knutsford”

The report will be discussed at the Town Council meeting on Monday 6th January. A working group will then develop an action plan to address each recommendation for the March council meeting after which it will be submitted to the LGA/NALC. After 12 months,  the Peer Challenge Team will meet with the council again to review how the council is progressing with its improvement.

The full report can be read here: Corporate Peer Challenge Report

The Knutsford town boundary sign with a floral planter beneath

2025 Millennium Bursary open for applications

Calling all second-year university students residing in Knutsford or Toft! Applications for the 2025 Knutsford Millennium Bursary are now open, offering a valuable £715 boost to your final year projects and dissertations.

This annual partnership between Knutsford Town Council and the Knutsford Lions has been supporting local students for over two decades, recognising academic merit and alleviating financial pressures during the crucial final year.

Whether students need funding for research materials, travel for fieldwork, or simply a helping hand with living expenses, the Millennium Bursary can make a real difference. Past recipients have used the award to access specialist software, conduct international research, and even purchase essential equipment for their projects.

The application process is straightforward. If you’re a second-year student with a term-time address in Knutsford or Toft, all you need to do is complete the application form on the Knutsford Town Council website and submit a written statement outlining your academic aspirations and how the bursary will help you achieve them.

Applications are open until 14th February, so don’t miss this chance to secure additional support for your final year project or dissertation.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks said “For 25 years the Town Council has been providing this annual award to support one of our students in their higher education. I am greatly looking forward to seeing the applications for the 2025 award and encourage all second year university students from Knutsford to consider applying”

Applications can be completed at www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/services/millennium-bursary

Knutsford Market Hall

£200k refurbishment agreed for Market Hall

A £200,000 refurbishment of Knutsford Market Hall has been agreed by Knutsford Town Council with work set to commence in January 2025.

The project is being funded through a £160,000 grant from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the balance drawn from the Town Council’s market hall and capital reserves.

The new scheme will involve:

  • Removal of the suspended ceiling to reveal the sky lights
  • An upgraded accessible toilet with baby change facilities
  • Replacement stall structures with shutters
  • Redecoration including a new level floor
  • New glass automatic doors with security shutters

The refreshed Market Hall will have an open central space which will host pop-up traders on market days and provide space for events and community activity outside market opening hours to make the building even more of a community asset.

“The refurbishment will deliver a more light, modern and flexible Market Hall with renewed stall structures and fresh facilities. It will help us attract new shoppers, new traders and create a true community asset” said Cllr Bryan Hartley, a member of the Market Hall refurbishment working group.

The Town Council has appointed the local firm Built by Mode as the contractor to deliver the refurbishment.

Works are scheduled to take place across 12 weeks starting in January and the Market Hall will be closed during this period. The Town Council is working with the Market Butcher and Heathfields Fruit and Veg to arrange temporary trading space during the closure, which takes place during a quiet retail period. The Town Council has waived rents for October to December to compensate for the lost trading period in the new year.

“Whilst this isn’t as big a project as we originally wanted to deliver, it will still give the Market Hall a new lease of life and enable us to continue providing a home for small local businesses whilst ensuring the ongoing viability of the asset.” added Cllr April Johnson, who also serves on the working group overseeing the project.

Flower Planters on a Roadside Barriers

Residents invited to join focus group on town council performance

Knutsford Town Council is looking for a group of residents to take part in a focus group meeting to help assess how the council is performing as part of a Corporate Peer Challenge.

A Corporate Peer Challenge is an external review of how a council is performing and how it can improve as an organisation to better serve its community. Peer challenges are common for principal authorities like Cheshire East Council and now available for Town Councils too. The Town Council will be the seventh Town Council in the country to have a corporate peer challenge, following Houghton Regis, Morecambe, Cirencester and Falmouth amongst others.

The peer challenge will see a panel comprising a representative of the Local Government Association, National Association of Local Councils, a councillor from another council and a clerk from another council coming for a three-day visit to meet with a range of internal and external stakeholders.

The peer challenge team will meet with councillors and staff, partner organisations such as Knutsford in Bloom and Knutsford Allotment Society, as well as market traders, local businesses and community leaders.

The Town Council also wants to arrange a panel of around eight residents for the peer challenge team to meet with on Wednesday 6th November at 4:15pm and is looking for volunteers from across the community.

“We are keen to create a group representing the diversity of our community and we aim to create a comprise of residents from across the town and at different stages of life” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green. 

Volunteers do not need any particular skills or to prepare, they just need to be willing to answer questions and discuss Knutsford and the town council as part of a group.

To apply to be part of the panel, simply complete a form at: www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/cpc  

Following two days of meetings, the peer challenge team will present its findings to the council and stakeholders following which a formal report will be issued and published alongside an action plan from the council of how it will respond to any recommendations.

Knutsford Market Hall

Market Hall Refurbishment Update

In September 2023 the Town Council was awarded a £560,000 grant from the government towards the renovation of the Market Hall. As with any grant, the award was subject to a number of conditions.

The funding application was based on initial costings developed by quantity surveyors to the outline design. During the last twelve months this project has been progressing through the detailed design and tender stage. Tendering was concluded in September and the project came in significantly over budget and would have required around a further £200,000 to be found. At the same time, there was a requirement to complete within a certain timeframe for both this funding and the £160,000 of funding provided through another fund which mean the planned project could not be delivered either in time or on budget.

Value engineering took place to develop a revised scheme that could be delivered within the funding envelope and time. Unfortunately, the government did not approve the revised scheme or an extension to the grant period, and has withdrawn its funding.

The Town Council will now be exploring what improvements to the Market Hall it can deliver with the £160,000 grant from the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks said “This is obviously extremely disappointing news for our market traders, the council and the market community – especially after the excitement of the prospect of a more significant investment”.

“We will now strive to deliver the best possible improvement to the Market Hall with available funds and aim to ensure our Market Hall can continue to provide a home to small businesses in our town centre”

Cllrs Peter Coan, April Johnson and James McCulloch behind a gate

Residents reminded to submit PROW evidence

16 users of a shortcut from King Street to Church Hill have provided evidence to support an application for the path to be recorded as a public right of way, with one user providing evidence of use for over 80 years.

The pathway next to Evuna comes provides a less-steep route from bottom street to Church Hill where it emerges next to the Egerton Place and the Town Council is collating an application to register the claimed public right of way to ensure preserve its use. Any users of the path who can provide evidence of at least 20 years of usage (i.e. since 2004 or before) are asked to contact the Town Council on 01565 653 929 or enquiries@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk to obtain an evidence form.

The application was prompted by the installation of gates in February. Whilst the gates are not locked and access along the path has not been prevented, their installation creates a point of challenge under public rights of way law and a claim must be made or the right to use the path could be lost. 

The Town Council has also been speaking with the owners of the properties along Church Hill about the installation of the gates, which are never locked, who explained that the gates were installed to deter anti-social behaviour in the evenings.

“The gates are closed in the evenings to deter opportunistic misuse by people looking for somewhere out of sight. There is currently a spate of antisocial behaviour in our town, even during the afternoons, so intermittently the gates may need to be closed in the afternoons” said one resident.  

 “We have no intention of deterring the legitimate use of this cut though but we do request users re-close the gates behind them if they find them closed, in respect of our safety and the protection of our property” they added.

Town Clerk Adam Keppel-Green said “We respect that the intentions of the current landowners are well meaning and that they do not have the aim of depriving access along this route. However, we believe there is a strong case that a public right of way exists here and will proceed with an application for this to be registered to protect longer-term access”

“We are pleased that the current residents are keen to work with the council to ensure the passageway can continue to be one of Knutsford’s hidden treasures”

A sculpture of King Canute in the council office gardens, with a tree

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2024

The audit of accounts for Knutsford Town Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published.

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Knutsford Town Council on application to Adam Keppel-Green (Town Clerk): townclerk@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk from Monday-Friday to 9am to 5pm. A copy of the completed AGAR can also be accessed here: AGAR 2023/24

Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £NIL for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.

Announcement made by Adam Keppel-Green, Town Clerk

Date of announcement: 19th August 2024

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks with staff and children from Poppies Nursery

Developments fund upgrade to Ladies Mile Footpath

A footpath upgraded by Knutsford Town Council has been given the thumbs up from the staff and children at Poppies Day Nursery.

Until recently, the footpath along Ladies Mile ended in a muddy stretch before it reached the pavement on Tabley Road and in winter months this was particularly wet and muddy. Thanks to the work of Knutsford Town Council, it is now a compacted limestone path providing a solid surface for walkers and cyclists including the children from Poppies Day Nursery who use the path regularly.

This upgrade project was the first to be delivered using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds and approved by the council’s CIL Projects advisory committee through which volunteer residents help make decisions on spending local funds raised from development.

One parent of children who attend Poppies Day Nursery said “Before the path, on rainy days, the journey was so boggy with tree roots a pram wouldn’t go through so parents needed to walk on the road itself, with cars passing by. Now my toddlers are safely zooming along the new path on bikes and stopping to chat to their friends on the way. It’s really improved the way we get to nursery – from a safety point of view and socially.”

The need to improve this path was raised in the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan process. The works were promoted by the Town Council’s Environment and Transport Committee and completed with permission of landowners, the Tatton Estate.

CIL funds are a form of development tax raised on most major residential extensions and new builds. 25% of the funds raised from CIL in Knutsford are passed to the Town Council to fund local projects whilst the balance is held by Cheshire East Council to fund borough-wide infrastructure. So far, CIL has been raised on a number of small developments and the Town Council currently holds a CIL reserve of just over £23k. The two current major development sites (Northwich Road and Parkgate Lane) were not subject to CIL due to being given outline approval before it was introduced in 2019, however future major schemes would generate significant CIL for long-lasting community projects. 

CIL presents an opportunity to deliver a range of long-lasting projects and the Town Council’s CIL Framework sets out how it will use its share of CIL to benefit the community. This includes opportunity for community organisations to apply for future CIL funds to support investment in community facilities. More information about the Town Council’s use of CIL can be found at: https://www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/services/cil

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