Meeting: Planning Committee
Meeting Date: Monday 31st July 6pm
Meeting Venue: Lower Council Chamber, Council Offices

Public seating will be available. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom to enable remote public listening and participation and an audio stream will also be broadcast to Facebook. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit  or use meeting ID 821 0560 5574 and password KTC-456189.


To receive apologies for absence; apologies should be submitted to the Planning and Facilities Officer in advance of the meeting.



To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial, and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.



A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.



To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 10th July 2023.



To review the latest planning applications.




Address Application Detail Relevant Neighbourhood Plan Policies
23/2562M Silvercrag, 9, Leycester Road Proposed extension of garage to provide an additional parking space with gym and storage area. Alterations to vehicular access to provide new entrance gates with boundary fencing and hedge to front. D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

HE2 – Heritage Assets

HE3 – Conservation Areas

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking


23/2415M 5 Rutherford Drive Demolition of existing orangery and erection of proposed rear single storey extension. D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

HE3 – Conservation Areas

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions



23/2650M 89 Mereheath Park Removal of garage and replacement with single storey side extension D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking



23/2693M 8 St Johns Road Single storey side extension to extend kitchen and garage D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

HE3 – Conservation Areas

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking


23/2685M The Mount, Parkfield Road Garden redesign, new driveway, and garden room D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

D3 – Landscape in New Development

D4 – Sustainable Residential Design

HE3 – Conservation Areas

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking

23/2724M 6 Brook Street Conversion of existing residential dwelling into offices D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

D3 – Landscape in New Development

ER1 – Employment Development

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T2 – Cycling in Knutsford

T4 – Parking

23/2739M 13 Tabley Grove Double Storey side extension D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking

23/2757M 1 Forester Avenue Single storey side extension, front first floor extension D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking



Bramley, Legh Road Amended Plans:  Proposed extensions to dwelling and replacement garage (resubmission of 21/2807M) D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

HE3 – Conservation Areas

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking




To review the latest planning applications.




Address Application Detail
23/2514T 10, Blackhill Lane Works to Protected Trees:

Quercus Robur marked as T1 on the sketch plan: tree is showing obvious signs of either acute Oak Decline or a fungal issue. with the trees location next to busy primary school and with the recent failure of a limb showing no obvious signs of decay, the customer would like to remove the tree, during the school run this road is tremendously busy with children, parents and vehicles. most of the foliate canopy is now epicormic growth and leaf spread is receding from the tips.

23/2543T 60 Goughs Lane Works to Protected Trees:

Tree work to Norway Maple tree to reduce crown by 20%, crown thin and crown raise to 5 metres and Robinia tree to reduce crown by 20% and crown lift to 5 metres



To review the latest planning decisions.

NB: A detailed officer’s report for each application can be accessed via the Cheshire East Planning portal, document reference “Officer’s Report”. The decision notice detailing any conditions can also be found at the portal, document reference “Notice of Decision”.




Address Application Detail Town Council Comment Decision
21/4595M Sandings, Chelford Road Proposed new dwelling The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds that the proposal fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, D3, H1, H2, and HE3 as follows:
• The scale and design constitute overdevelopment of the site.
• The proposal is out of character with the surrounding properties due to infill development and the characteristic plot ratios of the Legh Road Conservation Area as highlighted within the Legh Road Conservation Area appraisal.
• The removal of trees without significant justification or mitigation considering the declared climate emergency.
• The proposal is unsuitable for the site and is detrimental setting of the Grade II listed Obelisk and to the Legh Road Conservation Area.
• The application fails to provide the necessary Design and Access Statement.
• Access to the site is not fully clear as the site plans present a boundary line which extends north to Leycester Road.


22/4485M 43-45, KING STREET Advertisement Consent for externally illuminated fascia lettering (illuminated by 3 external light fittings to the shopfront) and non-illuminated hanging sign The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the facia signage would be out of keeping with the listed building by virtue of its size and position. Withdrawn


22/4476M 43-45, KING STREET Listed Building Consent for installation of a timber fascia board and externally illuminated fascia lettering (illuminated by 3 external light fittings to the shopfront (western elevation), rerouting of drainage pipe, installation of a non-illuminated hanging sign to the shopfront, removal of the upper section of railings on shopfront windows, repainting of retained railings and repainting of shopfront render The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the facia signage would be out of keeping with the listed building by virtue of its size and position. Withdrawn


22/4484M 43-45, KING STREET Installation of a timber fascia board and externally illuminated fascia lettering (illuminated by 3 external light fittings to the shopfront (western elevation), rerouting of drainage pipe, installation of a non-illuminated hanging sign to the shopfront and removal of the upper section of railings on shopfront windows The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the facia signage would be out of keeping with the listed building by virtue of its size and position. Withdrawn


22/4473M 43-45, KING STREET Installation of a floor mounted AC condenser to the rear elevation; Installation of an extract duct to the rear elevation; Installation of a wall mounted AC cassette to the side elevation Insufficient information has been provided for the wall mounted cassette to the side elevation to assess the impact on the listed building. The council requests that further information is provided (e.g., photographs of the location and proposed unit). Withdrawn


23/0828M 24 Lodge Road Demolition of a single storey rear extension & single storey side garage and replace with a two-storey side extension The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. approved with conditions


23/1026M Cherry Trees, Chelford Road Ground and First floor side extensions with internal refurbishment. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. Aprroved with Conditions


23/1097M 10 Norburys Yard Rear ground floor extension The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the proposal will alter the intended symmetry and the distinctive design of the buildings along Church Walk which will detrimentally impact the Town Centre Conservation Area, and therefore fails to comply with policies D1, D2, H3, and HE3 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan. Withdrawn


23/1551M 44 Glebelands Road Erection of single-storey rear extension and first floor side extension. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. Approved with conditions


23/1695M 3, Moulton Close Proposed single storey front and rear extensions to existing dwelling including render finishes to front and rear elevations. Internal reconfiguration and newly formed window to side. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal conforms to policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan. Approved with conditions


The officers report notes there is acceptable parking under Local Plan Appendix C.

22/2717M 2 Croft Lane Erection of garage outbuilding for vehicular storage. The applicant intends to retain the existing wall, but it only represents half of the western boundary.  The plan shows the replacement for the backs of the existing garages as a wooden fence but has left a gap in the boundary. The council requests that neighbours are fully consulted regarding the boundary treatments and requests a condition the Construction Management Plan uses the Northwich Road entrance/exit for construction traffic. Refused


22/2523D Former Knutsford Memorial Hospital, Northwich Road Discharge of Conditions 8 & 9 on 18/0089M – Erection of Retirement Living Housing (Category ll type accommodation) with associated communal facilities, landscaping and car parking together with a Memorial Garden following demolition of the existing buildings. The council is unable to comment due to the technical nature of the proposal and requests a suitably qualified professional is satisfied with the methodology employed. Approved


23/0075M 31 Mobberley Road Proposed side and rear ground floor extension forming new entrance and kitchen, replacement, and alteration of windows, and rendering of existing elevations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Conservation Officer is satisfied the proposal will not detrimentally affect the neighbouring Cross Town Conservation Area. Approved with Conditions


The officers report notes:

The Conservation officer was consulted and objected to the proposed render and the change in fenestration to the front elevation, however this was removed in amended plans received. The Conservation officer also had concerns that the proposed entrance projecting forward of the principal elevation would negatively impact the setting of the Conservation area. However, on balance, due to the modest scale of the proposed porch which would not extend out any further from the principle elevation than the existing porch, and the positioning of the new entrance on the end of the set of terraces with the materials to the main front elevation kept as existing, it is considered that this would maintain the character of the set of terraces and would not negatively impact on the adjacent Conservation area to warrant refusal.

23/1879M 5 Fir Tree Avenue Single-storey side & rear extensions. Raising height of existing roof to front elevation. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. Approved with Conditions


23/1896M 6 Sandiway Single storey rear extension The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments Approved with conditions




The next meeting will be held on Monday 4th September 2023.