A meeting of the Knutsford Town Council Planning and Licensing Committee to be held at 18:00 on Monday 18th July 2022.
Limited public seating will be available. The meeting will be broadcast to enable remote public participation. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit or use meeting ID 821 0560 5574 and password KTC-456189.
To receive apologies for absence; apologies should be submitted to the Planning and Facilities Officer in advance of the meeting.
To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial, and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.
A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 27th June 2022.
Attachment – Minutes of the meeting held 27th June 2022
To review the latest planning applications.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Relevant Neighbourhood Plan Policies |
22/2413M | 20 Parkgate Lane | Demolish existing conservatory and lean to structure. Rear ground floor extension with parapet flat roof. With associated internal and external alterations | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions |
22/2432M | 2 Teal Avenue | Single storey wraparound extension. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
22/2518M | 8 Church Hill | Demolition of existing office building followed by the erection of a new office building and 3no. one bedroom apartments | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design ER1 – Employment Development HE2 – Heritage Assets HE3 – Conservation Areas H1 – Housing Mix H2 – Previously Developed and Infill Development H4 – Living in the Town Centre SL1 – Open Space in New Developments T2 – Cycling in Knutsford T4 – Parking |
22/0566M | Winstanley House, Northwich Road | Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 no 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design HE3 – Conservation Areas H1 – Housing Mix H2 – Previously Developed and Infill Development SL1 – Open Space in New Developments T2 – Cycling in Knutsford T4 – Parking |
22/2717M | 2 Croft Lane | Erection of garage outbuilding for vehicular storage. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
22/2436D | 9 Goughs Lane | Discharge of conditions 11, 13 & 14 on approved application 20/1246M – Demolition of existing dwelling to construct new replacement dwelling | D1 – Design Guide
D3 – Landscape in New Development T4 – Parking |
22/2523D | Former Knutsford Memorial Hospital, Northwich Road | Discharge of Conditions 8 & 9 on 18/0089M – Erection of Retirement Living Housing (Category ll type accommodation) with associated communal facilities, landscaping and car parking together with a Memorial Garden following demolition of the existing buildings. | C4 – Utilities
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D4 – Sustainable Residential Design
22/2538D | Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Road, Knutsford, WA16 0EN | Discharge of conditions1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 on 21/5055M – Listed building consent for replacement of rear porch with single storey extension. Replacement of 4No timber sheds with 1No. outbuilding. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE2 – Heritage Assets H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions |
To review the latest planning applications.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail |
Ash Court, King Edward Road | Works to Protected Trees:
T2 Acer clip on the property side to formatively prune the shape for future growth. Reason: to reshape the crown / formative prune. Cons. T3 2 x Crab apple reduce and reshape by up to 2 m all round. Cons T6 Crab Apple reduce 1 – 1.25 m all round to control size. Cons T11 Yew crown lift to the height of the top of the window by the removal of sub lateral branches only. Ensure 1 m clearance from the property. TPO T12 Evergreen Oak crown raise to 6 m from ground level, shortening longer limbs over the road and drive. Remove epicormic growth off the tree. Reason: to reduce over-extended limbs roadside and to crown lift over the road |
6 Rockford Lodge | Works to Protected Trees:
T1 Silver Birch – Mature tree within close proximity to property (<5m). Tree is causing excessive shading and lateral branches interfering with property. Fell to ground level. T2 Black Pine x 3- Mature trees causing excessive shading on garden area. Remove deadwood >40mm and reduce lateral branches by up to 2m. |
Rose Bank, Toft Road | Section 211 notice:
I wish to remove a partially dead 60ft Leylandii in my back garden. It is causing concern to me and my neighbour as it is sited only 1 meter away from their garage and is constantly shedding debris and when it is windy there is so much sway that the forces will cause it to snap and fall through the neighbours garage roof. In addition to this, there is also BT telegraph pole delivering internet and telephone services to 3 homes, the pole stands 1 meter away and its cables are passing through the branches at around 30 feet. The tree and its branches will at some point cause the cables to snap and will disrupt the telephone and internet services to the three homes at my expense. |
Bracklyn, Mobberley Road | Section 211 notice:
T1 Lime – crown reduction by 3 metres T2 Beech – crown reduction by 3 metres |
Oakhurst, Toft Road | Works to Protected Trees:
T1 – large Ash tree. 2m crown reduction. Cutting back overhanging branches over neighbouring garden by 3m (36 grassfield way) branches snapping regularly into garden. |
3 Fairmead, Legh Road | Section 211 notice:
The home owner would like to remove one Acer sp. In the rear garden, it was planted as a small ornamental species but has grown into a medium sized tree and is now in danger of compromising a boundary wall and BT infrastructure. The home owner plans to replant a small ornamental Acer specimen. The tree is highlighted in yellow on the sketch plan provided. |
The next meeting will be held on Monday 12th September 2022 at 6pm.